2022-2023 Annual Report
2022-2023 Annual Report

The York County Alliance for Learning is proud to release our Annual Report for the 2022-2023 School Year. YCAL impacted over 7,000 STUDENTS by engaging with over 300 EDUCATORS and partnering with over 150 BUSINESS PARTNERS.

The York County Alliance for Learning is proud to release our Annual Report for the 2022-2023 School Year. YCAL impacted over 7,000 STUDENTS by engaging with over 300 EDUCATORS and partnering with over 150 BUSINESS PARTNERS.

The York County Alliance for Learning is proud to release our Annual Report for the 2022-2023 School Year.
YCAL partnered with over 130 employers to provide 50+ programs that directly impacted over 7,000 STUDENTS.

2022-2023 Annual Report
2022-2023 Annual Report
2022-2023 Annual Report

The York County Alliance for Learning is proud to release our Annual Report for the 2022-2023 School Year. YCAL impacted over 7,000 STUDENTS by engaging with over 300 EDUCATORS and partnering with over 150 BUSINESS PARTNERS.

The York County Alliance for Learning is proud to release our Annual Report for the 2022-2023 School Year. YCAL impacted over 7,000 STUDENTS by engaging with over 300 EDUCATORS and partnering with over 150 BUSINESS PARTNERS.

The York County Alliance for Learning is proud to release our Annual Report for the 2022-2023 School Year.
YCAL partnered with over 130 employers to provide 50+ programs that directly impacted over 7,000 STUDENTS.

2022-2023 Annual Report
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  • Educators

    YCAL works with businesses and schools to provide career education, relevant academic experiences, and work based experiences for educators and students in York County. YCAL understands the important role that educators have in the success of our future workforce.

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  • Students

    YCAL works with businesses and schools to provide career education, relevant academic experiences, and work based experiences for educators and students in York County. YCAL understands the important role that educators have in the success of our future workforce.

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  • Employers

    YCAL works with businesses and schools to provide career education, relevant academic experiences, and work based experiences for educators and students in York County. YCAL understands the important role that educators have in the success of our future workforce.

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YCAL Is For You

The York County Alliance for Learning (YCAL) is a non-profit organization that works with businesses and schools to provide career education, relevant academic experiences, and work based experiences for students and educators in York County. The goal is to help students become successful lifelong learners and to help make informed career decisions.

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"Our district partners with YCAL because it offers our students unique opportunities to explore career paths that align with the needs of our local economy while supporting the value of pathway options after high school. Through this partnership, we can provide students with practical experiences, such as internships and job shadowing, complementing their academic learning. YCAL helps us connect students directly with local businesses and professionals, ensuring they gain valuable insights into potential careers while still in school."

- Dr. Scott Krauser, Superintendent, York Suburban School District

"The York Water Company supports YCAL because YCAL inspires curiosity in the students and educators who are drawn to its many programs.  Curiosity stokes the boiler of imagination, and imagination drives ingenuity and adaptability.  We rely upon an adaptive and agile workforce to sustain our 200 year old Company, and YCAL provides the opportunity for students to explore and hydrate their curious minds so that one day they’ll reinvest their talent right here in our community."

- JT Hand, The York Water Company, President and Chief Executive Officer


We here at FOX43 are proud to support YCAL because it serves an important role in helping students make determinations about their education choices and career pursuits. Giving them the opportunity to see what is out there as possibilities sets them up for career satisfaction and a lot less time “trying to figure it out”. FOX43 will continue to play a role in YCAL’s important, and beneficial, mission for as long as they will have us.


- Chris Topf, President and General Manager, WPMT FOX43