Invest In YCAL

Donate To YCAL

Use the form below to send a donation directly to YCAL, or contact us for other donation options.

Investor Application Form

Donate monies to the York County Alliance for Learning (YCAL), to facilitate the development of a high quality, relevant workforce.

  • Contact Infomation

  • Invest

  • Please make checks payable to: York County Alliance for Learning 1601 Kenneth Rd. York, PA 17408
  • Please type your name to verify this application.
  • Program Information

  • Provides internships for educators who will use the experience to provide relevant instruction to students.
  • Human resource personnel work with students to understand the workforce needs and requirements.
  • Educators apply for monies to develop innovative classroom workforce and career awareness projects/activities.
  • Students spend time with a business representative over an extended period to explore a particular field and how it relates to the overall operation of the company. Current Career Exploration Programs are in the following career fields: Accounting; Actuarial Sciences; Agriculture; Architecture, Construction & Engineering (ACE) Design; ACE Skilled Trades; Arts; Creative Careers; Culinary; Entrepreneurship; Financial Services; Healthcare; Hospitality & Business; Human Services; Information Technology; Insurance; Law; Manufacturing; Marketing; Medical Assistant and Respiratory Care.
  • Students have a long-term, half day, paid work experience, preferably specific to the students’ career interests.
  • Students acquire experience in an unpaid position offering career exploration related to the students’ interests.
  • Students spend several hours with employees to learn about the job and career possibilities within the company.
  • Business representatives visit the school to participate as a speaker, facilitator of discussions or evaluator of student activities or projects.
  • Companies provide students with on-site exposure to their work environment, products and employment opportunities.
  • Company representatives go into the school to explain the training and skills required, and the career paths available.
  • We love that you would like to suggest a program. Please tell us about it and how you can be involved. Collaboration begins here!

Other Ways To Support York County Alliance for Learning

Program Sponsorship

If you are interested in sponsoring a specific YCAL events/program, please contact Kevin Appnel at

Donate to YCAL through the EITC Program